Perez sends Boehner a letter urges House to pass unemployment benefits extension --- Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez sent a letter to Speaker of House of Representatives John Boehner, R-OH on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 urging the speaker to put the unemployment benefits extension bill to a vote. The secretary looked to allay concerns and reservations Boehner has mentioned he has regarding passing and implementing the unemployment benefits extension bill. Additionally, the labor secretary included a list of suggested job creation measures that could be added to the bill, just as Boehner had been requesting from the White House. However, the list includes elements that have support primarily from Democrats. Perez has interjected himself a number of times urging the passage and extension of the Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Program, however, has been ignored by Congress in the negotiation and debate process. --- Perez recounted the statistics that are now well known, that since EUC program expired on Dec. 28, 2013 nearly 3 million Americans lost access to benefits, and each week 70,000 Americans have lost benefits, by the end of the year it is projected that 1.6 million more Americans will lose benefits. The labor secretary described the facts to Boehner, trying to add a more personal touch to the statistics pointing out that 70,000 in Ohio are without benefits, and describing the problems and decisions the affected long-term jobless are living through. Perez explained that the Americans affected "have been stripped of unemployment benefits that help them keep the lights on, rent paid, and family fed. All too many long-term unemployed are making painful choices between these critical necessities." --- The secretary of labor addressed Republicans' main opposition to the extension; they believe it does not motivate the unemployed to find a job as long as they have access to benefits. Perez recounted meeting with long-term jobless Americans, including those in the speaker's home state; "In the months before and after the expiration of EUC benefits, I have met with numerous people struggling to get back into the workforce after a long period of unemployment. Their determination inspires me. Their full time job is to look for a job.... I travelled to Ohio recently and met with a group of determined people seeking employment." --- Secretary Perez wanted to indicate that these are hard working Americans who want to work, not just collect government money. He pointed out that; "These people embody the spirit and resilience of the long-term unemployed, who are working tirelessly to get back into the workforce." Since the EUC program was instituted and all throughout the financial crisis and recession Republicans voted with Democrats to extend the benefits. Now with the worst of the crisis over, and unemployment levels at pre-recession levels Republicans think the long-term jobless need to find jobs rather than receive benefits. --- Democrats have been using to persuade Republicans a recent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) study to argue that not only will the unemployment benefits extension help the long-term jobless it would also contribute to economic growth. Perez also used cited the CBO study arguing that the mere fact that extending the benefits helps the economy, means the "EUC is itself an effective job creation tool." Continuing, Perez used the study's statistics; "Estimates from outside economists and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) suggest that without an extension of EUC, GOP growth will diminish by 0.2 to 0.4 percent. Failing to extend UI benefits puts a dent in job-seekers' incomes, reduces demand and will cost an estimated 240,000 jobs in 2014." The CBO study determined a full year extension would provide 0.2 growth to the economy, and even the five-month Senate extension would serve beneficial to the economy. If extended for a full year the CBO study concludes extending benefits would add 200,000 jobs and the program would cost $26 billion. --- Speaker Boehner has been looking for the White House to list what kinds of job creations provisions would be acceptable to them to add the bill. The White House, President Obama, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV consistently refused to allow any provisions to be added. Now with the long-term jobless, Democrats and White House desperate, Secretary Perez has offered an olive branch, saying he would be open to negotiation on job creation measures. Perez offered that "In addition to the large job creation impacts of unemployment insurance, the Administration would welcome the opportunity to work with you on several job creation measures that Congress could pass together with the EUC extension." - More, Examiner,
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