Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Outgoing Afghan leader not going anywhere, to U.S. chagrin --- (Reuters) - In central Kabul, a few minutes' walk from the ornate presidential office, workmen are putting the finishing touches to an imposing new residence and office complex: the retirement compound of the outgoing Afghan president. -- It is an eloquent metaphor. Hamid Karzai may be officially leaving, but his influence will loom large over the new leader. -- Karzai's new home sits at the edge of the sprawling grounds of the Arg palace, behind a tight security perimeter of blast walls, razor wire, sniper towers and soldiers armed with AK47s. -- Such protection is understandable, given that his two immediate predecessors met grisly ends, one assassinated by a suicide bomber and the other castrated and hanged. -- Karzai has also survived would-be assassins. Even so, few believe the mercurial leader, whose fulminations against U.S. "colonial power" have increased in recent years, will go quietly into retirement. -- At 56 years of age, he is still in his political prime and says he won't stop speaking out in Afghanistan's interest. -- Proximity alone means he will have the ear of the new president. -- "If asked for advice, he will be there ready to help. He will be at the service of his people," his spokesman Aimal Faizi said, when asked about Karzai's retirement plans. Faizi said the president had already turned down prestigious international offers in favour of staying at home. -- A senior Afghan government official said there had been high-level talks about the formation of a so-called elite council, to be chaired by Karzai, to discuss issues of state. -- "President Karzai has dealt with more than 40 Western countries during his rule and he knows the alphabet of each country's politics, especially the U.S.," the official, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters. -- "President Karzai has dealt with more than 40 Western countries during his rule and he knows the alphabet of each country's politics, especially the U.S.," the official, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters. - More, http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/05/13/uk-afghanistan-karzai-idINKBN0DT0X320140513?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews


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