Afghanistan: What is the plan?
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan is facing one of its worst food shortages in years as winter approaches, with prices of the staple wheat rising 60 percent in the first half of the year after Pakistan slapped export bans, a poor harvest and drought.
Outgoing PM Ehud Olmert says Israel must withdraw from almost all the land it occupied in 1967 if it wants peace with Syria and the Palestinians.
The UN says 20,000 people have fled Pakistan's tribal area of Bajaur for Afghanistan amid fighting between troops and militants in recent months.
NEW YORK-- The day's loss knocked out approximately $1.2 trillion in market value, the first post-$1 trillion day ever, according to a drop in the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000, the broadest measure of the stock market.
Stock markets reacted violently. Investors who had been counting on the rescue plan's passage sent the Dow Jones industrial average down well over 700 points. The stock gauge closed 778 points lower - nearly 7%. (Full coverage)
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Afghanistan's top diplomat in Pakistan, ambassador-designate Abdul Khaliq Farahi, was "recovered" on Monday, a week after gunmen kidnapped him and killed his driver, Pakistani officials said.
Citigroup reached an agreement early Monday morning to acquire the banking operations of the Wachovia Corporation after making a daring bid that pulled the deeply troubled company from the brink of collapse.
The president was described as “very disappointed” by a spokesman, Tony Fratto. Mr. Bush’s disappointment may have been deepened by the fact that members of his own party voted against the package by more than 2 to 1.
Spooked investors fled the market today after the House rejected the $700 billion financial plan to rescue the financial Postmarket.
After a week of intense debate in both party caucuses, 95 Democrats and 133 Republicans opposed the bill just five weeks before they face voters in an election that is shaping up as a referendum on the economy; 140 Democrats and 65 Republicans supported the controversial measure.
Poor Economy, Corruption Will Make Aghan President's Re-Election Bid Next Year Difficult
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Thursday offered a nod of approval to the U.S. government's decision to bail out Wall Street.
Though there is no exact statistic about the rate of unemployment in Afghanistan, it is said that some 40 percent of the country's 25 million populations are jobless and some 5 million Afghans live under poverty line in the war-battered nation.
WASHINGTON, DC - Sept. 26, 2008 – Things are looking up in Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, a region that has been declared poppy-free and experiences little insurgent-generated violence, senior U.S. officials posted in Afghanistan told Pentagon reporters today.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Karzai noted that Bush leaves office in January, and told him that Afghans grateful for the 2001 US-led toppling of the Taliban Islamist regime will remember his fondly -- and invited him to come see for himself.
WASHINGTON -- The plan includes a program to purchase bad assets and an insurance program to underwrite others. It would also require the government to gain an equity stake in companies that benefit from the rescue, ensuring that taxpayers would make money once the assets regained some value. And the deal would require curbs on executive pay and the $700 billion to be released in installments.
If there was one foreign policy issue on which Barack Obama and John McCain agreed during Friday night's debate, it was that the United States should send more troops to Afghanistan. The bipartisan enthusiasm for this surge is so strong that there has been relatively little discussion of whether this strategy makes sense.
With the security situation in his country steadily deteriorating and Taliban attacks on the rise, Afghan President Hamid Karzai sat down in New York last week with Newsweek-Washington Post's Lally Weymouth to discuss the future of Afghanistan. Excerpts:
A Hollywood legend known as much for his generosity as for his bright blue eyes.
CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric Interviews Alaska's Governor On The Ailing Economy
World leaders met this week and pledged $16 billion to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The goals seek to cut extreme poverty in half and were adopted unanimously by UN member states in 2000. One focus of the new monetary commitments is on protecting and improving health conditions for women globally.
KABUL (AFP) - Babur's Garden, on the slope of an arid mountain, is in flower again after years of desolation brought on by drought and war, an island of green in an Afghan capital oppressed by heat and dust.
WASHINGTON -- President Bush on Friday highlighted civilian reconstruction work that has improved daily life in Afghanistan, where extremist attacks have made this the most violent year since the U.S.-led invasion that ousted the hard-line Taliban regime in 2001.
President Bush said on Friday that a bailout package to offer financial assistance to troubled financial services firms will be passed.
WASHINGTON — The seeds of the House Republican revolt over the financial industry bailout were sown in an e-mail message circulated Monday night as internal animosity built quickly over the Bush administration’s request for $700 billion to prevent an economic collapse.
Both men offered qualified support for the financial bailout plan being discussed in Congress, saying that the nation had to take action to shore up the economy but that certain conditions needed to be attached to the plan.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two NATO helicopters fired upon by Pakistani forces on Thursday were U.S. military aircraft operating inside Afghanistan, the Pentagon said.
White House Summit Fails to Yield Accord as House GOP Floats New Plan
WASHINGTON — The killing of innocent Afghans by foreign troops imperils the credibility of the United States and its allies in the war against Taliban insurgents, Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai told the United Nations Wednesday.
Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari has lashed out at the United States over alleged violation of airspace on the border with Afghanistan
Nominee Talks to Afghan, Colombian Presidents, Also Confers With Kissinger
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A wide-ranging Bush administration review of the war in Afghanistan could recommend changes to U.S. strategy in less than a month, officials said on Wednesday.
The United States military says US and Afghan forces have exchanged gunfire with Pakistani troops across the border with Afghanistan.
UNITED NATIONS - Afghanistan's president on Wednesday decried civilian casualties in his country from foreign bombing raids, telling world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly that innocent deaths can seriously hurt legitimate efforts to fight terrorism.
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai wants the international community to strengthen his country's army and police, telling world leaders Wednesday that a more powerful Afghanistan can better fight terrorists.Karzai, though, criticized casualties from foreign bombing raids, saying in an address to the U.N. General Assembly that the deaths can seriously undermine
But his call for U.N. member states to work together to fight violent extremism was not echoed by other leaders who spoke. Most were more concerned about the financial crisis shaking America and what it could mean for poor nations around the world.
As The Times reported on Tuesday, President Bush and his top civilian and military aides are conducting four major new reviews of the war strategy and overall mission there.
We've seen triple-digit swings in the stock market. Major financial institutions have teetered on the edge of collapse, and some have failed. As uncertainty has grown, many banks have restricted lending, credit markets have frozen, and families and businesses have found it harder to borrow money.
Mr. Bush used a prime-time address to warn Americans that “a long and painful recession” could occur if Congress does not act quickly. “Our entire economy is in danger,” he said.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) - Unidentified gunmen abducted Afghanistan's ambassador-designate to Pakistan and killed his driver Monday in a brazen ambush in the northwestern city of Peshawar, officials said.
Is NATO losing the Afghan war, as the Soviet Union did in 1980s and the British Empire in the 19th century? Notwithstanding NATO and U.S. denials, the answer is affirmative. And abundant evidence is provided in a detailed 113-page report released by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). The author is Anthony Cordesman, CSIS' senior strategic thinker.
(CNN) – Sitting on a couch shmoozing the ladies of The View on Monday, Bill Clinton said Hillary didn’t want to be Barack Obama’s running mate, but that she would have taken the job if she was asked.
KABUL -- Bob Gates looks uncomfortable in his pinstriped suit, standing in the hot sun outside the U.S. Embassy here before a gaggle of Afghan reporters. But he wants to send a message of contrition to a country that is angry about civilian deaths caused by U.S. airstrikes. He announces later that the United States will adopt a new approach of compensating the victims of such accidents first and then investigating the details.
Text of Draft Proposal for Bailout Plan (September 21, 2008)
KABUL, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will work with U.S. President George W. Bush at a meeting later this month to find ways to reduce civilian casualties, the foreign minister said on Saturday.
Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin will meet next week with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in New York, on the sidelines of the opening of the U.N. General Assembly, according to Afghan officials in Washington.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - At least 40 people were killed Saturday evening in a massive truck bombing that struck a five-star hotel popular with Pakistani leaders and foreign diplomats in the heart of this violence-racked capital.
The Durand Line was a British creation. It was demarcated and then signed into a treaty on Nov. 12 1893, between the ruler of Afghanistan, Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, and Sir Mortimer Durand, foreign secretary of what was then British India.
The US is seeking $20bn from its allies to help stabilise Afghanistan as it plans to send thousands more of its own troops to confront the growing insurgency in the country, American officials disclosed yesterday.
President Bush, warning that urgent steps are needed to "to preserve America's financial system," asked Congress today to put aside partisan differences and enact a historic rescue package now being finalized by his administration.
SEC Ponders Temporary Ban on Short-Selling BusinessWeek
Paulson Briefs Congress on Idea to Buy Bad Assets From Banks, Insure Money-Market Funds; Stocks Rebound Sharply
مقام های آمریکایی می گویند یک طرح "جامع" را برای مقابله با آنچه که به یک بحران مالی در جهان بدل شده است تنظیم خواهند کرد.
په کابل کې د روسيې سفير امريکا او د هغې متحدين په دې تورن کړل چې گواکي غواړي د روسيې اړېکي له افغانستان سره خراب کړي.
THE GOVERNMENT has failed to collect out of date food from shop shelves, Kabulis say.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stepped up U.S. criticism of Russia yesterday, saying its military action against neighboring Georgia last month failed to achieve Moscow's objectives and has put Russia on a path to "self-imposed isolation and international irrelevance."
After days of silence amid a broadening financial crisis, President Bush yesterday defended his approval of "extraordinary measures" to shore up faltering Wall Street firms and said his administration would remain focused on the "serious challenges" facing the troubled economy.
WASHINGTON -- The stock market finally found reason to rally Thursday, and Congress promised quick action as the Bush administration prepared a plan to rescue banks from the bad debt at the heart of the worst crisis on Wall Street since the Great Depression.
KABUL (Reuters) - Food convoys hit by rocket propelled grenades along major highways. A U.N. polio vaccination team targeted by a suicide bomber. A spurt in kidnaps.
YAKOWLANG, Afghanistan — A pitiable harvest this year has left small farmers all over central and northern Afghanistan facing hunger, and aid officials are warning of an acute food shortage this winter for nine million Afghans, more than a quarter of the population.
آمریکا اعلام کرده که برای کاهش فقر در افغانستان حاضر است سی و پنج هزار تن مواد خوراکی را در اختیار این کشور قرار دهد
WASHINGTON — The head of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve began discussions on Thursday with Congressional leaders on what could become the biggest bailout in United States history.
MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Pyotr Goncharov) - The Pentagon is negotiating with Afghanistan and Pakistan the possibility of launching special operations inside Pakistan.
KABUL (Reuters) - Russia threatened to block NATO from using its air space for operations in Afghanistan if member states did not stop "hostile" policies toward Moscow, the Kremlin's top diplomat in Kabul said.
LONDON (AP) — The Bush administration is considering changing its war strategy in Afghanistan in light of rising levels of violence and an increasingly complex insurgent threat, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday.
KABUL, Afghanistan — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates sought Wednesday to defuse growing tensions with the Afghan government over civilian deaths, expressing his “sincere condolences” and promising speedier compensation and investigation after such casualties.
“The American people can be sure we will continue to act to strengthen and stabilize our financial markets and improve investor confidence.”
Stocks whipsawed all day long Thursday, ending on a high note as investors dove back into the shares of commercial banks, hailed steps by regulators to muzzle bearish betting activity, and hoped for a new government entity to help Wall Street unwind its disastrous credit bets.
Nervous investors saw their fears realized this week as the stock market tumbled to a low point not seen since right after the Sept. 11 attacks.
"Most of Europe has made NATO responsible for their security. Therefore, the weakness of Europe is typified by what you see in Afghanistan," Morin told
“It used to be O.K. to have money in a CD, but now you have to worry, ‘Is my bank going to go under?’ ” he added. “You used to be able to buy a guaranteed annuity from an insurance company, but now you have to worry, ‘Is my insurance company going to go under?’ Or, you can have auction-rate preferred securities, but now there is no market.”
The strains on the Reserve Primary Money Market Fund have prompted investors to ask whether their own money-market funds could be at risk. Money-market funds are not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. or any government agency. But fund companies have historically covered losses.
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - The final result was a relief to Livni, a 50-year-old lawyer, who had declared victory to supporters hours earlier.
'Key members' of kidnapping network arrested by secret service
KABUL (AFP) - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates Wednesday announced a joint probe with Afghanistan into civilian s in an air strike, and suggested more troops may be sent next year to help fight Taliban rebels.
The US must do more to limit civilian casualties in Afghanistan, the Defence Secretary Robert Gates has said after meeting President Hamid Karzai.
Housing market in tatters, Wall Street in turmoil, but still plenty of strength
Stocks fell to their lowest levels in three years today after the Federal Reserve agreed to lend up to $85 billion to troubled insurance giant American International Group (AIG, news, msgs).
LONDON (AFP) - Britain agrees that US cross-border incursions by US forces into Pakistan "didn't help," Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said Tuesday, as he sought London's help in a simmering row with Washington.
On most matters of social development, from health care to literacy, the United States and Afghanistan are worlds apart. But on presidential politics, the disparate democracies both find themselves enmeshed in prolonged electoral contests with potentially transformative results. A year before Afghans cast ballots for their president, voters, politicians, and analysts already are dissecting President Hamid Karzai's political record. And like the American contest, the race for Afghanistan's top office
The former leader of the Liberal Democrats, Lord Ashdown, warned his party yesterday that there was a real chance of Afghanistan slipping into civil war.
ښاغلي بوش د ناقانونه نشه يي توکو د توليدوونکو او لېږدوونکو هېوادونو د کلني لېست د خپرولو پرمهال ويلي چې تېر کال د افغانستان ١٨ ولايتونه له کوکنارو پاک شول، چې د بل کال په پرتله پنځه زيات شوي دي
Gen David Petraeus is winging his way from Iraq to Central Command (Centcom), where he will oversee US military operations throughout the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
GENEVA, Sept 16 (Reuters) - Nearly 1,500 Afghan civilians were killed in the first eight months of this year, many in attacks on schools, medical clinics, bazaars and other crowded areas, the United Nations said on Tuesday.
Six or seven men wearing military-style uniforms approached businessman Mohammed Easa and then pistol-whipped him. Mr Easa's kidnap is not an isolated incident - on average a businessman is kidnapped at least once a week in Afghanistan.
UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - UN chief Ban Ki-Moon blasted as "unacceptable and cowardly" the suicide attack on a UN convoy that killed three people, his spokesman said.
anncg8 said...
A Metrolink train collided with a car apparently trying to cross the tracks in Corona late this afternoon, killing the driver and injuring one person aboard the commuter train, authorities said.
KABUL, 15 September 2008 (IRIN) - The International Rescue Committee (IRC) says it is still "reviewing and analysing" the security situation before deciding whether to resume activities in Afghanistan.
"I can guarantee your security among our fighters," the Taleban commander I met told me.
یک گزارشگر بی بی سی به شواهدی دست یافته که نشان می دهد گروه هایی در داخل ایران، از طریق مرز مشترک خود با افغانستان، به شورشیان طالبان اسلحه می فرستند
Elements in the Iranian state are sending weapons across the border to the Taleban in Afghanistan, a BBC investigation has uncovered.
BAGHDAD - U.S. Gen. David Petraeus said Sunday that experience in Iraq shows it will take political and economic progress as well as military action to tackle increased violence in Afghanistan.
GENEVA — One of the most experienced Western envoys in Afghanistan said Sunday that conditions there had become the worst since 2001. He urged a concerted American and foreign response, even before a new American administration took office, to avoid “a very hot winter for all of us.”
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush will host President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan September 26 for talks on the war amid tensions with Pakistan over cross-border violence, the White House said Friday.
In the 20-page report, “The Last Holdouts: Ending the Juvenile Death Penalty in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Pakistan, and Yemen,” Human Rights Watch
The White House yesterday launched a formal attack on a new book that criticizes President Bush's handling of the Iraq war, arguing that author Bob Woodward's opinions are not supported by his own reporting.
New technology used in Iraq and Afghanistan to hunt down and kill terrorists may inject itself into the presidential race.
Community activists and the American Civil Liberties Union, which attended yesterday's briefing, question how a subject's race, ethnicity or religious orientation might become part of attracting FBI interest.
WASHINGTON -- Civil-rights groups and congressional critics have raised concerns about the proposed rules, charging that they open the way to potential civil-liberties violations.
Video: Ike Makes Landfall on Texas Coast AssociatedPress
Missiles hit two buildings near Miranshah, the main town in the North Waziristan region on the Afghan border.
WASILLA, Alaska -- Gov. Sarah Palin said Friday that she thinks Sen. Barack Obama probably regrets not picking Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as his running mate.
Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic vice presidential nominee, released 10 years of tax returns yesterday, attempting to put fresh pressure on his Republican counterpart to release her tax records.
Western airstrikes target terrorists, but innocents are caught in the crossfire.
When the exhibit "Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures of the National Museum, Kabul" opened to the public at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. on May 25, 2008, its 228 pieces and the story they told dazzled the visitors that came to view them. The New York Times called the exhibit "revelatory and heart-rending," while the Washington Diplomat noted that it expressed a "rousing tale of intrigue, discovery and courage in the face of extreme adversity."
On September 11, 2001, the world woke up to a tragic day that has been recorded in recent history as a consequence of neglecting failing or failed states during the 1990s. The loss of more than 3,000 American lives was not just an isolated event that we sadly witnessed on the morning of 9/11 but the culmination of many such tragic events which had been unfolding before our watching eyes thousands of miles away from American shores in Afghanistan.
Morning Edition, September 11, 2008 · In Afghanistan, a lingering drought has led to the smallest wheat harvest in the country in years. Officials say the shortfall is nearly 1.7 million tons. Compounding the dilemma is a global spike in food prices.
Sept. 11 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar rose to a one-year high against the euro on signs global growth is slowing, and the yen strengthened on speculation investors will sell higher-yielding assets funded by loans in Japan.
Obama and Bill Clinton Do Lunch Washington Post
The US and its allies are "running out of time" to turn round the situation in Afghanistan and need a new comprehensive strategy to deal with the conflict, the head of the US military warned yesterday.
Billions of dollars in U.S., other foreign aid goes unaccounted for in Afghanistan
SPIN BOLDAK, Afghanistan: "After the 9/11 attacks, when the U.S. and her allies overthrew the Taliban government, the U.S. promised the Afghan nation stability, safety and jobs," Haji Allah Dad, a 60-year-old trader in the southern town of Spin Boldak, said.
KABUL (AFP) - Seven years after the attacks on the World Trade Centre, Afghanistan is again the frontline of the US-led "war on terror" with extremist unrest intensifying and a new focus on Pakistan's tribal areas.
The next president will inherit leadership of a nation that is still the most powerful in the world -- a nation rich with the continued promise of its dynamic and increasingly diverse population, a nation that could, and must, again inspire, mobilize, and lead the world. At the same time, the next president will inherit a more difficult opening-day set of international problems than any of his predecessors have since at least the end of World War II. In such circumstances, his core challenge will be nothing less than to re-create a sense of national purpose and strength, after a period of drift, decline, and disastrous mistakes.
Over the next 33 months, the fund paid out more than $7 billion to 5,560 people; the average award for a death claim was just over $2 million, and the average award for a physical injury claim was more than $400,000. (Sadly, there were few injury claims resulting from the attacks; people either escaped from the World Trade Center towers or the Pentagon, or they didn't.) Never before in American history has there been an example of such taxpayer generosity.
"I am not convinced that we're winning it in Afghanistan," Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee yesterday. But, he added, "I'm convinced we can."
An American air strike in western Afghanistan leaves many locals feeling that all civilians are branded as terrorists.
Airstrikes Cause Public Backlash, Undermine Protection Efforts,
The West has no coherent strategy for victory in Afghanistan, according to the former EU envoy Francesc Vendrell.
Mr Zardari paid tribute to his late wife, saying: "I accept the presidency of Pakistan in the name of... Benazir Bhutto. I accept this in her name and in the name of all the martyrs of democracy."
RIVERSIDE, Ohio -- Barack Obama said President Bush isn't acting quickly or forcefully enough to get more U.S. forces into Afghanistan and out of Iraq.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Sept. 8 -- The U.S. Central Command will send a senior team, headed by a general and including a legal affairs officer, to reinvestigate a U.S. air attack last month that U.N. and Afghan officials say killed 90 civilians, amid mounting public outrage in Afghanistan and evidence that conflicts with the military's initial version of events.
In a speech announcing the changes this morning, Bush praised progress in Iraq while acknowledging that "huge challenges in Afghanistan remain."
(New York, September 8, 2008) – Civilian deaths in Afghanistan from US and NATO airstrikes nearly tripled from 2006 to 2007, with recent deadly airstrikes exacerbating the problem and fuelling a public backlash, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today. The report also condemns the Taliban’s use of “human shields” in violation of the laws of war.
MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan (Reuters) - An earthquake measuring 5.6 hit Afghanistan's Hindu Kush region on Saturday, but caused no casualties, a provincial official said.
WASHINGTON - U.S.-led forces are achieving a "slow win" in Afghanistan, but the less-than-decisive approach must be accelerated soon, a key American commander there said Friday.
"This is our land. We are afraid to send our sons out the door for fear the American troops will pick them up," says Mohammed, who was chosen by the others to represent them. "Daily we have headaches from the troops. We are fed up. Our government is weak and corrupt and the American soldiers have learned nothing."
KABUL (AFP) - The newly appointed governor of Afghanistan's rugged mountain province of Nuristan was killed when the car he was travelling in plunged into a river en route to Kabul, his deputy said Saturday.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO and Afghanistan agreed on Thursday they needed to coordinate more closely to avoid civilian casualties in operations against militants, an alliance spokesman said.
Civilians in Afghanistan are paying a deadly price in the war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. America is fast losing the battle for hearts and minds, and unless the Pentagon comes up with a better strategy, the United States and its allies may well lose the war.
WASHINGTON — The United States would carry out a modest shift of American forces from Iraq to Afghanistan by early next year under a confidential recommendation to President Bush by the Pentagon’s top civilian and military leaders, according to Bush administration officials.
Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, has won a sweeping victory in Pakistan's presidential election.
UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - The US ambassador to the United Nations on Wednesday slammed as "patently false" press reports that he had "unauthorized" contacts with Asif Ali Zardari, the Pakistani presidential contender and widower of slain Benazir Bhutto.
KABUL (AFP) - A top judge in Afghanistan's counternarcotics court, working to bring to justice key players in the world's biggest opium-producing country, was gunned down in Kabul Thursday, his office said.
Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We're Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history.
YORK, PA. -- As John McCain prepared to accept the Republican nomination Thursday, Barack Obama intensified his criticism of the GOP, accusing the party of ignoring the economic hardships of working Americans at its convention.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO and Afghanistan agreed on Thursday they needed to coordinate more closely to avoid civilian casualties in operations against militants, an alliance spokesman said.
KABUL, Afghanistan -- The Afghan president said a deadly raid on a village by American and Afghan commandos has put new strain on relations with the United States and promised Thursday to punish those responsible.