Sunday, September 13, 2015

پیام رئیس جمهور غنی به مناسبت هفته شهید

پیام محمد اشرف غنی رئیس جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان به مناسبت هفته شهید و شهادت قهرمان ملی شهید احمد شاه مسعود 

Shuhadat (martyrdom) is one of the pure words that has a special place and exalted meaning in the lexicon of Islam. Calling martyrs alive, the language of Quran points to the role that the blood of martyrs has in giving life to a nation and keeping its ideals alive. Martyr is the exalted banner and honor and the proof for free spirit of a nation.

The word Shaheed (martyr) has a broad meaning; it encompasses the person who gets killed while defending what is holy; the person who loses life in the way of seeking knowledge; one who gets killed in a state of oppression or in a natural disasters; every one of them has his degree. The vast meaning that Islam gives to this word is because different dimensions of life of human beings are interlinked with supreme values of human existence as well as to differentiate rightful death from the un-rightful.

Over the last few decades, oppression, tyranny, foreign invasion and terrorism have deprived millions of our countrymen of the blessing of life. Millions of our children have been robbed of the right to education and hundreds of thousands of our families have been forced to abandon their homes and villages and live in foreign countries a life of deprivation, estrangement and destitution. Those who have sacrificed their lives to save their people and country, their right is upon all the nation and their remembrance and commemoration is our moral and national obligation.

It is the shared duty of government and nation not to forget the families of the martyrs. In the religion of Islam much emphasis has been placed on the right of the orphan. It is also important to pay the necessary attention to the rights of widows; it is upon the tribal elders, scholars and media to raise awareness about the rights of widows in accordance with the spirit of the religion of Islam.

The Martyr’s Day is an opportunity to think about those who sacrifice their lives in order to provide peaceful, honorable and humane life for others. Realization of the high ideals for which the martyrs have sacrificed their lives depends on a stable society, security and strengthening the government that protects the lives, property and honor of its people; a government that can help families of the martyrs, victims of war and the poor. We should strengthen the spirit of commemorating the martyrs and their sacrifices but we should also bring down the need for sacrifice and stress upon stability for our country.

Also, we should remind those who have been deceived by the foreigners that every death is not a martyrdom. The death that kills the innocent, women and children, and adds to the number of orphans and widows as described in the holy religion of Islam is not martyrdom, but it is suicide that ruins other people’s lives as well as the hereafter of the perpetrators. You should communicate to the families of the deceived as well as their parents that such a death is not a source of pride and pleasure for anyone save those who use them as tools in order to achieve their own evil goals through destruction of the country - Read More
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani’s Remarks on the Occasion of the Martyr’s Week and Martyrdom of National Hero Ahmad Shah Massoud 


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