Friday, September 11, 2015

Obama's 9/11: The Commander in Chief Visits Fort Meade in Maryland to Speak With Troops

President Obama led a moment of silence at the White House lawn Friday morning to commemorate the anniversary of the September 11 attacks before traveling to Fort Meade in Maryland.

There, the president met with stationed troops and took questions from U.S. military personnel around the world via webcam, Twitter and Facebook. The town hall style meeting is available via C-SPAN.

“America is strong because of you,” Obama said, addressing the U.S. military audience.

Troops stationed in Afghanistan, Europe and the U.S. asked the commander in chief questions about the refugee crisis, the buildup of Russian troops in Syria, the future of cyberwarfare, and how he deals with critics in Congress.  - Read More at newsweek

Obama's 9/11: The Commander in Chief Visits Fort Meade in Maryland to Speak With Troops


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