4. Telegram 5222 From the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State, July 17, 1973
The Embassy reported on the coup perpetrated by former Prime Minister Mohammad Daoud against King Zahir and offered its observations of the incoming government.
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 591, Country Files, Middle East, Afghanistan, Volume I. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. It was drafted by Neumann and repeated immediate to Anakra, Bonn, Islamabad, London, Moscow, New Delhi, Paris, Rome, Tehran, and to CINCPAC. The coup took place on July 16, while King Zahir was in Rome for medical treatment. Prime Minister Shafiq was detained by Daoud’s Government and executed in 1979. In telegram 142393 to London, July 20, the Department reported that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had asked the United States to delay recognition of the Daoud Government. - Read More at the - 4. Telegram 5222
Ch. 1. Afghanistan - US Department of State - More at 2001-2009.state.gov

5. Telegram 5325 From the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State, July 20, 1973, 1310Z.
6. Telegram 143450 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Afghanistan, July 20, 1973, 2313Z.
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