Friday, August 01, 2014

Political Memo |​​NYT Now -- Foreign Crises Fade on Congressional Campaign Trail --- WASHINGTON — Crises in Gaza, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine have dominated the news this summer and even grabbed the attention of many Americans who are usually indifferent to international affairs. Yet the events might as well be in a parallel universe for all the notice they are getting in this year’s congressional campaigns. -- Candidates are not raising such subjects in appearances or television ads, except for some Republicans who are broadly blaming President Obama, strategists in both parties say. Nor are local reporters or voters asking about them. -- The focus, as in most nonpresidential election years, is on domestic issues — jobs, health care, reproductive rights — that are closer to home for voters fatigued by more than a decade of military engagement abroad. In 2010, Republicans capitalized on voters’ disgruntlement with a spotty economic recovery and Mr. Obama’s just-signed health care law to capture a majority in the House and increase their Senate minority. -- The recent debate over what to do about the surge of Central American children illegally crossing the border from Mexico is no exception, despite its foreign roots. Voters see the border turmoil as a domestic issue, something happening here rather than “over there,” according to party strategists and independent analysts. - More, NYTimes


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