Thursday, November 21, 2013

Karzai Will Defer Signing U.S.-Afghanistan Deal Until After Elections --- KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan's president said he backs a security deal with the United States but told a gathering of elders on Thursday that if they and parliament approve the agreement it should be signed after next spring's elections. -- "If you accept it and Parliament passes it, the agreement should be signed when the election is conducted, properly and with dignity," Karzai said toward the end of a speech that lasted more than one hour. -- He said such a move would show America's assurance "that we are moving on the path to security and they are accompanying us on this path." -- The Loya Jirga can revise or reject any clause of the draft agreement. Whatever they agree upon then goes to the Afghan parliament, which could make still more changes before the agreement is approved. - More, AP


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