Refugee groups protest migrant deportation flight from Munich
Refugee supporters have protested at Munich's airport over Germany's third recent group deportation of rejected asylum seekers to Kabul. Two courts blocked individual expulsions, to Afghanistan, and to Macedonia.
German charities and refugee advocacy groups on Wednesday condemned the German Cabinet's draft legislation intended to accelerate deportations while refugee helpers in Bavaria protested the eviction of 18 rejected Afghan asylum seekers to Kabul.
In a joint statement, 20 of Germany's charitable and refugee organizations accused Chancellor Angela Merkel's grand coalition cabinet of overlooking applicants, especially children and youth, warning that holding them in "first reception centers" would deny them schooling.
Pro Asyl (Pro Asylum), a Frankfurt-based organization backed by churches, described the 15-point legislative packet of Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet as a "brutalization" of deportation practices - away from individual assessments and recourse to appeal.
The German Bar Association, comprising 66,000 - or 40 percent - of all German lawyers described the Cabinet's extended detention grounds for persons regarded as potential terrorists or "Gefährder" (dangerous people) as "illogical and unnecessary." - Read More
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