Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Former Egyptian president Mursi jailed for 20 years

(Reuters) - Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Mursi was sentenced to 20 years in prison without parole on Tuesday on charges arising from the killing of protesters, nearly three years after he became Egypt's first freely elected president.

Mursi stood in a cage in court as judge Ahmed Sabry Youssef read out the ruling against him and 12 other Brotherhood members, including senior figures Mohamed el-Beltagy and Essam el-Erian. The sentencing was broadcast live on state television

The men were convicted on charges of violence, kidnapping and torture stemming from the killing of protesters during demonstrations in 2012. They were acquitted of murder charges, which carry the death sentence.  A lawyer for some of the defendants said they would appeal.

Amnesty International described the ruling as "a travesty of justice" that "shatters any remaining illusion of independence and impartiality in Egypt’s criminal justice system".

The rights group called for Mursi to be retried in a civilian court "in line with international standards" or released.

Leading Egyptian cleric Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, who lives in pro-Brotherhood Qatar, criticized the ruling.  "The judiciary in Egypt is no longer one of the three (branches of) power. Instead, all the powers and the country itself are now run by the military," he said in a statement.  Read More

Former Egyptian president Mursi jailed for 20 years

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