Thursday, January 01, 2015

Thousands ring in new year at Grand Park party in downtown L.A.

For the second year in a row, several thousand people rang in the new year at a free public celebration at Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles.

On a blustery night with temperatures expected to plunge to the low 30s, a large, diverse crowd gathered to listen to music, cram into photo booths and watch light shows on a 12-acre space stretching between City Hall and the Music Center

As a Los Angeles tradition, New Year's Eve in Grand Park is still in its infancy. But Ah-Ram Cho, a visting student from South Korea, heard about the celebration from her host family and decided that it would be a true Los Angeles experience.

"We don't mind" the cold, Cho said. "We are in the U.S.A. and we want to see people celebrating."  Read More at Latimes


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