Today’s EUC 2014; Unemployment Benefit Extension News Review; Benefits for America’s Long Term Jobless --- House policymakers are out on recess again but the unemployment benefit extension deal has still not been passed through the House. House Speaker John Boehner appears to be the key voice of opposition in the House of Representatives. He has said, on more than one occasion, that the Senate’s deal to pass a long term unemployment benefit extension is not good for “growing” the U.S. economy. Since it was passed back in early April the House has effectively ignored the Senate’s deal for weeks . Also since Congress allowed long term unemployment to expire back in December 2013, over 3 million Americans are currently categorized as long term unemployed. --- Now that House policymakers are out on break, little positive action regarding the unemployment benefit extension deal is expected to happen. Although House members could still consider a potential vote on the unemployment extension deal upon their return from recess on June 9, 2014, expectations that this could happen have significantly diminished. If it is back to the drawing board for the unemployment extension deal, it could take additional months to receive the appropriate attention and vote. -- The mid-term election in November are approaching and the unemployment crisis in the U.S. will likely play a role in the election process. The current national unemployment rate posts at 6.3 percent and the number of long term out of work Americans could rise millions more by mid-term election time. Although most hope to see the deal become law soon, the lack of an extension could be a major election issue in November. - More,
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