Former UK ambassador to Afghanistan calls for legalisation of drugs --- The former UK ambassador to Afghanistan, Sir William Patey, has come out in favour of legalising drugs after acknowledging the failure of British-led efforts over the last 10 years to eradicate poppy crops in the country -- Patey, one of the most experienced diplomats of his generation, with a string of postings that include Iraq, Sudan and Saudi Arabia, becomes one of the highest-profile figures in Britain to back legalising and regulating drugs. -- His comments run counter to Home Office policy and will be rejected outright by many drug policy groups. -- In an article in the Guardian, Patey, who has a reputation inside the Foreign Office for being outspoken and independent-minded, writes: "If we cannot deal effectively with supply, then the only alternative would seem to me to try to limit the demand for illicit drugs by making a licit supply of them available from a legally regulated market." -- He adds: "Putting governments in control of the global drug trade through legal regulation will remove the incentive for those in fragile, insecure regions to produce and traffic drugs. Putting doctors and pharmacists in control of supply in the UK will save lives, improve health and reduce crime." -- While the legalisation of cannabis is growing fast in the US and elsewhere, there is little support worldwide for similar action on opium. -- Patey's call for legalising production and supply is backed by one of the leading groups calling for reform, Transform Drug Policy Foundation. - More, Guardian,
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