Thursday, May 08, 2014

Afghan migrant who tried to reach Britain on bedsheet raft trying again on boat made of bottles --- The Afghan migrant who failed in his bid to reach Britain in a boat he made with crutches and a bed sheet has already revealed the blueprint for a new vessel made almost entirely from plastic bottles. -- On Monday, French coast guards picked up Asif Hussainkhil, 33, two miles off Sangatte near Calais, after he was spotted from a ferry as he tried to make the 21-mile Channel crossing. -- He had spent three weeks making the boat out of six pieces of wood, with three buoys underneath and blue life jacket material to sit on. -- Despite the fact that rescuers said he was lucky not to have capsized and been killed, and had "zero per cent chance of making it to Britain", Mr Hussainkhil was already hatching plans for a new craft. -- Standing in the Fort Mahon sand dunes outside Calais, where he hid and built his first vessel, Mr Hussainkhil said: "I am starting to make a new boat with the hull made entirely out of empty bottles, which I will tie together." -- "This time it will be much more controllable, something special, with a rudder," he said, pointing to three metal hoops lying beside some rusty nails and a plastic bottle. -- "I will make a new four by four metre boat out of only empty bottles, some wood and some iron hoops that will serve as a rudder. I didn't use it last time, but I will lash it to the bottles. It is very strong and won't fail me," said Mr Hussainkhil, who left his native Kabul in 2000 when he was just 19. -- Since then, he has lived in a string of countries, including Iran, Turkey, Greece and Switzerland, where he had various odd jobs as a builder, kitchen fitter, leather jacket maker and gardener. -- Reacting to the news that some media in Britain had expressed admiration for the lengths he was prepared to go to reach the UK, he said: "I am very happy if that is the case. It has been my dream since I was a child and why I built this boat. If they let me come I will be very lucky." On Monday, he set off in fine weather after spending the night on the beach under a blanket. -- He had no food or compass and only thin waterproof trousers and top. He did, however, have a slingshot – a weapon of choice in his native Afghanistan – which he said might come in handy to "defend myself against any sea birds that might attack me". -- His fellow Afghan migrants yesterday said they had repeatedly warned him not to go on his boat and were convinced he would die. -- "We were expecting to hear that he had drowned and couldn't believe it when we saw him show up at the camp on Monday night," said Jamal Aslam Khel, 26, a fellow Afghan who has already made it to England once in a lorry but was thrown out. - More, Henry Samuel, Calais, Telegraph


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