Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Suicide bombing kills at least 15 in Afghanistan --- KABUL — A suicide bomber in Afghanistan killed at least 15 people in a crowded market on Tuesday as the country prepares for a historical presidential election. -- Thirty-six people, many of them civilians, were wounded by the blast, which occurred in the main bazaar of Maimana, the provincial capital of northern Faryab Province close to the border with Turkmenistan, officials said. -- The target of the attack was not clear. It was also unclear if the explosive the bomber detonated went off prematurely, as some time have been the case in past attacks. -- “In total, I can say that most of the 15 killed and 36 wounded people were civilians,” Abdul Sattar Barez, the province’s deputy governor said by phone. -- “The victims included women and children, shopkeepers and poor hawkers.” - More, Sayed Salahuddin, Washingtonpost


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