Letters: USAID in Afghanistan - Re "Afghan projects may lose oversight," Oct. 30 --- The article overlooks Afghanistan's development progress as it breezes over USAID's rigorous oversight of our projects worldwide. -- In the last 10 years, Afghans have seen a 20-year increase in life expectancy and a 62% decrease in child mortality. A decade ago, female education was banned in Afghanistan. Now, almost 3 million girls attend school. -- Americans can be proud of their contribution to those achievements. -- Furthermore, allegations of widespread waste and mismanagement are unfounded. Where USAID has identified instances of waste and project mismanagement in Afghanistan, we have terminated contracts and projects. -- Our multi-tiered approach to monitoring development projects ensures that our rigorous oversight standards will continue to be upheld in the future. - More, William Hammink - Kabul, Afghanistan -- The writer is USAID's mission director in Afghanistan. - latimes
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