Former President Bush displays painting prowess on Leno --- “The Tonight Show” host revealed the artistic skills of George W. Bush when the former president visited Tuesday in his first late-night show appearance since leaving office. The 43rd president said he took up painting as a hobby after reading a Winston Churchill essay on the subject. He eventually hired an art teacher to help bring out his talent. -- “She said, 'What's your objective?' I said, ‘There’s a Rembrandt trapped in this body. Your job is to find it,'" Bush said to laughter. -- “It’s changed my life,” he said, before presenting Leno with a lifelike portrait of the comedian. Earlier, when Leno commented on Bush's talent, he joked: "I can't even see where you painted over the numbers.” -- Bush has mostly kept a low profile since leaving the Oval Office in January 2009. But he told Leno history eventually would serve as the judge of decisions he made. - More, TODAY
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