Wednesday, May 08, 2013

What Does It Mean To Be Allergic To Something?

People with allergies end up with a reaction to a substance. That substance could be many different things. That substance causes a reaction which gives you nasal congestion, stuffiness, runny nose, itchy eyes, itchy nose. And then the mucus that's produced in the nose as a reaction can drip into your throat, worsen your asthma, cause a cough, give them a whole host of symptoms that can be very irritating and could be bad enough where they end up with a rash - What Does It Mean To Be Allergic To Something?
What Are Some Common Examples Of Things To Which We Might Be Allergic? --- What Is The Best Way To Prevent And Treat Allergic Conjunctivitis?
10 Natural Allergy Remedies -- ABC News OnCall+ Allergies Center


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