Sunday, March 20, 2011

Op-Ed: Libya: It's not our fight - Los Angeles Times

Once again the United States is bombing a Muslim country to liberate its people from their own sanguinary rulers. --- So why is Libya different? Why shouldn't the United States intervene there? First, because it has oil and gas, and any U.S. military action will be seen by many people around the world as motivated exclusively by the urge to steal the country's resources. - More

Look to our experience in Afghanistan, for example. Imams all over Afghanistan routinely denounce the U.S. intervention as a disguised attack on Islam, as a means to opening the way to Christianity. That includes imams salaried by the U.S. taxpayer by way of the Afghan government, which actually disburses the funds.

In an added twist, Afghan religious leaders often explain that the Americans promote the rights of women in order to encourage their rebellion against fathers and husbands, to thus dishonor Afghan families and weaken their resistance to conversion. Again, because no ordinary Afghan would dream of traveling halfway around the world to help Americans, or indeed anyone not of his own religion, such accusations are almost universally believed. They explain the otherwise inexplicable. True, some Afghans still say that it was because of the so-far unfound oil, gas or gold that the Americans came, but nobody believes the benevolent explanation. .... More -- Libya: It's not our fight -- Letting others lead in Libya

Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979-1989 – review
"History of Afghanistan" - [ 1940 - 1973 Zahir Shah proclaims Afghanistan as neutral during WW2]
Ancient Afghanistan(Must read) - Pashtun Community Pashtuns ...


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