Thursday, January 06, 2011

Bob Blackwill's bad, bad Afghan Plan B: Let's surrender but then keep fighting! - Foreign Policy

Barno has some issues with Blackwill's suggestions, as you can see here. Basically, he gives this Plan B a big fat F:

Ambassador Bob Blackwill's recent piece ("Plan B in Afghanistan") in Foreign Affairs is a stunner. Not wanting for bold formulations, it is most notable for the inconsistent logic that permeates the piece -- and a lack of understanding of war. It is indicative, most of all, of the degree of desperation with which far too many in the Washington establishment view Afghanistan.

The Afghan people are pretty much left out of Blackwill's formulation. Although Afghanistan has existed as a country longer than the United States (1747 vs. 1776), little regard is given to the reality that most Afghans want to remain a unified state of diverse ethnic groups - existing as Afghans, not as a collection of independent ethnic fiefdoms tied to neighboring states. - More .... Bob Blackwill's bad, bad Afghan Plan B: Let's surrender but then ...
Plan B in Afghanistan Foreign Affairs - By Robert D. Blackwill,

Finish the Job Foreign Affairs
Finish the Job - Council on Foreign Relations


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