Saturday, November 06, 2010

AP Interview: Ex-commerce Minister Poised To Be Indicted For Corruption; He Denies Allegations

Farhang, a longtime government official who last served as minister of commerce and industry, denied the allegations, calling them part of a "political conspiracy" against him.

"Farhang said a commission comprising representatives from the commerce and finance ministries and a member of the presidential palace's administrative affairs office worked on the contracts, which he later signed. --- He said the commission members initially were accused of pocketing the money, but now he is the only one being accused. -- "If I had all that money I wouldn't be sitting in Kabul. I would escape to somewhere else," he said. "I am still in my house, and I am ready for the investigation - whatever they have. I can defend myself."...... - AP Interview: Ex-minister Facing Indictment - CBS News
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