Saturday, September 04, 2010

Dr. Oz's Colonoscopy Finds Pre-Cancerous Polyp: What Can He Teach Us?

Dr. Mehmet Oz just might be the last person on earth people would expect to get a colon polyp. --- But several weeks ago, when Mehmet had his first screening colonoscopy at age 50, I removed a small adenomatous polyp that had the potential to turn into cancer over time.
Patients who smoke, eat diets high in red and processed meats, drink too much alcohol, don't exercise, and are obese are at increased risk of colorectal cancer. So Mehmet's healthy lifestyle may actually have protected him from having a bigger polyp -- or even colorectal cancer by now. -- More, Dr. Oz's Colonoscopy Finds Pre-Cancerous Polyp: What Can He Teach Us?


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