Sunday, August 01, 2010

Christiane Amanpour : Pelosi and Gates Differ on Expectations for July 2011 Troop Withdrawal - "This Week,"

In exclusive interviews on "This Week," Amanpour spoke with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who just passed a bill to fund the war, and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who supervises the war effort.

"We are not there to take on a nationwide reconstruction or construction project in Afghanistan. What we have to do is focus our efforts on those civilian aspects and governance to help us accomplish our security objective," Gates said. "We are in Afghanistan because we were attacked from Afghanistan, not because we want to try and build a better society in Afghanistan."

Pelosi emphasized our security interest there. "We're in Afghanistan because it's in our strategic national interests to be so for our own national security, to stop terrorism, to increase global security." -- Pelosi, Gates Differ on Troop Drawdown

Amanpour Asks Pelosi: Is Afghan War Worth It?
WATCH: Interview With Speaker Pelosi

WATCH: Interview With Secretary Gates (Part 1)
WATCH: Interview With Secretary Gates (Part 2)
WATCH: Roundtable: WikiLeaks Worries


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