Friday, July 23, 2010

U.S. Checks Afghan Cash Flow - WSJ

KABUL—U.S. and Afghan authorities are setting up a joint task force to monitor the billions of dollars in cash flown out of Afghanistan every year, officials said, as the U.S. announced debt-relief for the war-ravaged country.

U.S. and Afghan officials say they believe at least some of the money leaving the country comes from corruption and opium trafficking. Afghanistan's Finance Ministry and border police will contribute to the task force, working with officials from the U.S. Treasury Department and other agencies, said the U.S. ambassador in Kabul, Karl Eikenberry. -- U.S. Helps Monitor Afghan Cash Flow, Forgives Debt -

امریکا د افغان طالبانو پر درو مشرانو بندیزونه ولګول
آمریکا سه عضو 'شبکه حقانی' و طالبان را تحریم کرد
سنای امریکا مصارف افزایش نیروهای تازه در افغانستان را تصویب کرد


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