Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rolling Stone man who brought down Stanley McChrystal - Guardian

Journalist Michael Hastings reveals how he got to write article that was praised by troops and led to US general's sacking

If you about to unleash a storm of controversy that will end the career of one of the great hero-generals of the US army, the last place you want to be is embedded with the very troops he used to lead in Afghanistan.

But Michael Hastings – the US journalist whose article in Rolling Stone magazine led to the sacking of Stanley McChrystal – says many of the soldiers thought the piece was "kind of cool". They particularly liked the reporting of their anger at the general's restrictive rules of engagement, which are designed to prevent civilian casualties but put soldiers in greater danger. .... Rolling Stone man who brought down Stanley McChrystal

McChrystal's fate sealed by mockery of French - Telegraph
Gen Petraeus to review 'courageous restraint'

ABC News - Reuters - Wall Street Journal - The Associated Press


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