Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pakistan arrests more Afghan Taliban. Why the about-face?

The question is: Why now? Pakistan weathered years of American pressure to take this step. But only last week did it capture Mr. Baradar in a joint operation with the US.

Details are emerging that Pakistan feared losing influence within peace overtures between the United States and the Afghan Taliban.

Others are not so sure that Pakistan has committed such an unforgivable offense in the eyes of the Taliban. The insurgent group – which was created decades ago with Pakistani support and now uses Pakistan as a haven – has no other protector to fall back on, says Khalid Pashtoon, a member of the Afghan Parliament from Kandahar. --- Pakistan's powerful spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), presents two faces to the Taliban, he says. One faction claims to be friendly with the insurgency, the other friendly to the US. - Pakistan arrests more Afghan Taliban. Why the about-face? - CSM


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