Pentagon Memo: Gates Sees Fallout From Troubled Ties With Pakistan
As the No. 2 official at the C.I.A. in the 1980s, Mr. Gates helped channel Reagan-era covert aid and weapons through Pakistan’s spy agency to the American allies at the time: Islamic fundamentalists fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. Many of those fundamentalists regrouped as the Taliban, who gave sanctuary to Al Qaeda before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and now threaten Pakistan.
“Dividing these individual extremist groups into individual pockets if you will is in my view a mistaken way to look at the challenge we all face,” Mr. Gates said, then ticked off the collection on the border. - Gates Sees Fallout From Troubled Ties With Pakistan
Gates Confronts Pakistani Reports of US Plots - Wall Street Journal
Pakistan says reaches out to Afghan Taliban - Reuters
Voice of America - Bloomberg
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