Thursday, December 24, 2009

Veterans Remember Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan 30 Years On -Gregory Feifer

Twenty-seven-year-old Lieutenant Valery Vostrotin had never seen combat before when the elite Soviet paratroop company he commanded was briefed by a KGB general on the afternoon of December 27, 1979.

A first attempt to kill Amin had failed when the poison his cook -- a KGB agent -- had dropped into a glass of Coca-Cola was neutralized by its bubbles. This time, the Soviets took fewer chances by deploying more troops to Afghanistan to make sure the government toppled.

Still, a second plot to poison Amin on December 27 also spectacularly failed when the Soviet Embassy, unaware of the KGB's plan, dispatched doctors to revive him. But it was too late: a loud explosion in the city center had already given the signal for Soviet troops to launch an attack.

Elsewhere in Kabul, Soviet and pro-Kremlin Afghan troops seized key government buildings and fanned out across the country to take other major cities in a lightning-quick invasion. By the end of the month, there were 80,000 Soviet troops in Afghanistan. - Veterans Remember Soviet Invasion Of Afghanistan 30 Years On ...
صفحه ویژه:30 سالگی حمله شوروی به افغانستان

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