Friday, September 25, 2009

Interview: Zalmay Khalilzad - Foreign Policy

In a talk at the Foreign Policy Initiative's 2009 Forum on democracy, Khalilzad said he supported Gen. Stanley McChrystal's call for more U.S. troops in Afghanistan and said that "leaving and cutting our losses would be a huge victory for al Qaeda and the Taliban." Afghanistan, he said, would go back to the way it was before the September 11 attacks. He called instead for a counterinsurgency approach focused on protecting the Afghan people. - Interview: Zalmay Khalilzad

خلیل زاد: ادارهء اوباما و بوش در روابط شان با کرزی مرتکب اشتباه شده اند
زلمی خلیل زاد: درانجام کارهای که فکر میکنیم به نفع افغانستان است سستی کرده ئیم

له بُن نه تر نن پوری د ډاکټر ځلمۍ خلیلزاداو عمرخطاب مرکه سپینې خبری قسمت دوم
له بُن نه تر نن پوری د ډاکټر ځلمۍ خلیلزاداو عمرخطاب مرکه سپینې خبری قسمت اول


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