Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can economist woo Afghans?

Ashraf Ghani's vision impresses, but most of electorate can't read, let alone crunch numbers

Afghanistan is awash in money from donor countries – $60 billion in aid from America alone since 2001 – but it doesn't filter down to those who need it most, while much of the income generated on the ground flies out the door with carpetbaggers, the out-of-state contractors who are getting filthy rich.

"The black money needs to be changed to white. Until we are able to launder the black money, we will not succeed."

"I cannot accept that we do not have construction capacity of our own. There is an economic mafia that we have to fight. We need to replace it with a legitimate economy. This is not rocket science."
Can economist woo Afghans?‎ - TheStar


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