Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama's Policies Making Situation Worse in Afghanistan and Pakistan -- Former CIA chief in Kabul

For all the talk of "smart power," President Obama is pressing down the same path of failure in Pakistan marked out by George Bush. The realities suggest need for drastic revision of U.S. strategic thinking. -- Military force will not win the day in either Afghanistan or Pakistan; crises have only grown worse under the U.S. military footprint.

The Taliban represent zealous and largely ignorant mountain Islamists. They are also all ethnic Pashtuns. Most Pashtuns see the Taliban -- like them or not -- as the primary vehicle for restoration of Pashtun power in Afghanistan, lost in 2001.
Graham E. Fuller: Obama's Policies Making Situation Worse in ... -- Huffingtonpost
CIA: Flouting The Law Or Enforcing It? -- NPR
Parties Face Off Over CIA Interrogation Briefings -- NPR

OpEdNews ยป Bombs for Pashtoons and Dollars for Punjab


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