Thursday, March 12, 2009

California counts costs from projected warming ($100 billion alone in property damage if sea levels rise 5 feet)

The study by the Pacific Institute estimates that a 5-foot rise in sea levels by 2100 would effect 480,000 people who live in areas at risk, causing $100 billion in property damage.

San Francisco and Oakland international airports are at risk of being under water, as are 3,500 miles of roads, 30 power plants and 29 wastewater treatment plants.

California could also lose 41 square miles of coastline by 2100 due to erosion, threatening the homes of 14,000 people, the report stated. People in San Mateo, Orange and Alameda Counties are most vulnerable.
Calif. counts up warming costs
Rising seas
Vital Signs of a Warming World
Warming signals


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