Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Criminals rewarded not punished: Ahmadzai

KABUL (PAN): Terming the US backed Afghan government as one of the five corrupt in the world Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai former Finance minister and a likely strong presidential candidate accused the government offered positions for criminals rather then punishment.

Addressing a news conference in Kabul Ahmadzai also declared readiness to nominate himself as candidate in the upcoming presidential polls.
اشرف غني: له فساد سره د دولت مبارزه کمزورې ده
احمدزی: دولت در مبارزه با فساد ضعیف است
از دیگر رسانه ها: اوباما فرصت جدید برای افغانستان
حمایت از احمد زی در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری افغانستان


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